About this website :

This website has been created with the sole aim of sharing the spiritual treasure given by Shri Dinkernath Maha Siddhyogi (1903-1963) in the form of his literary works (published and unpublished books) as well as his life and works.

The site aims to fulfills the spiritual thirst of not only Gujarati people but all the mankind for scriptures and their references, sacred texts.  In order to avoid losing the focus, the site primarily highlights the contents either written or comprehended/translated in one or another way by Shri Dinkernath Maha Siddhyogi.

Dinkernath Maha Siddhyogi never believed in confined boundaries of any sect,cult or religion. He never built any temple, muth or ashram.  His works broadly focus on Hinduism, yet, he believed in unity of religion and universal brotherhood.  He believed that the need of the hour is to have unity of various factions who follow their individual masters.

Let this site be your guiding light in your search for the divine.  Our efforts would then be fruitful. We would love to hear from you, so as to know how we can serve you better.

(You can reach us through our email address : gyanvigyan1963@gmail.com).

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